
Vegan Tarte aux Clémentines (Vegan Clementine Tart)

January 20, 2016
1 Ratings
Photo by jessicamclement
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

I made mini tarts with this recipe, but the dough and whipped cream could be used for one full sized tart too! It's a very simple and fresh recipe that uses up a bunch of clementines ('tis the season!). —jessicamclement

  • Pastry Crust
  • 250 grams all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (a flavourless one like sunflower is a good choice)
  • 1-3 tablespoons very cold water
  • Coconut whip cream + clementines
  • 425 grams coconut milk (should be 1 large can) from a chilled can
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 3 clementines, peeled
  • 1.5 tablespoons water
  • 100 grams bitter orange jam
  1. Pastry Crust
  2. For the crust, scoop the flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center, and then add into this well the salt, oil, and butter.
  3. Using your finger tips, break up the butter into the flour mixture until the tart crust resembles course crumbs.
  4. Add the very cold water, and using your hands, bring the dough into a ball. (Add a TINY bit more water if your crust doesn't come together.)
  5. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead once or twice until the dough is well formed into a ball.
  6. Wrap in plastic wrap and store in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  7. After the dough has chilled, bring it back out onto the floured surface and roll the dough out until about 1 centimetre or 1/2 inch thick. At this point you can also pre-heat your oven to 200 C (400F).
  8. If you're making one big tart, then you can transfer the dough into a tart pan. If you're making mini tarts, place the tart pan onto the dough and cut out a circle around the pan that's approximately 1 centimeter (1/2 inch) larger than the pan itself. Then, take out the circle of crust and press it into the mini tart pans.
  9. Place a sheet of parchment over the crust and then top it off with pie baking beans in order to prevent the crust from inflating in the oven. Bake for 18-20 minutes for the mini tarts and approximately 30 minutes for one large tart.
  10. Allow the tartes to cool and prepare the filling.
  1. Coconut whip cream + clementines
  2. To make the whipped cream: the coconut should be chilled (i.e. in a fridge) for a few hours. This allows the cream to solidify at the top of the can. Open the can and scoop out the cream solids from the top.
  3. In a bowl, whip the cream using an electric beater.
  4. Add a dollop of the cream to each tart (for the small tartes), or fill in the large tarte.
  5. Top the tart(s) with clementine slices.
  6. As a final touch, bring the jam and water to a quick boil. Let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Brush the jam on top of the tarts.
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1 Review

Aditi July 14, 2020
Some type of butter seems to be missing from the pastry crust section of the ingredients, since I see it in the instructions.