
Kalua Pig

November 29, 2016
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  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Growing up in Hawaii, this dish was a completely delicious staple at gatherings of family and friends. After moving to the "mainland", I found the need to recreate the dish as a slow-cooker version. It's one of those crowd-pleasing comfort-food meals with very few ingredients that you can plunk into the slow-cooker in the morning and come home to a home that smells like you've been slaving all day. To add authenticity to your meal, "ono" means delicious in Hawaiian! —putaneggonit

  • 1 pork roast
  • 3 tablespoons liquid smoke
  • 3 tablespoons rock salt
  • 3 bananas (peels on, stickers off)
  • Ti leaves or corn husks
  • chicken broth
  1. With a nice balance of marbling, pork shoulder works well with this recipe. A pork loin, a leaner cut, also works, but be sure to have extra chicken broth on hand in case the roast starts to get dry during cooking.
  2. Line the crock pot/slow-cooker with the ti leaves or corn husks. Rub all sides of the pork roast with the rock salt, and set in the crock pot. Cover the roast with ti leaves or corn husks. Place the bananas (peel on) on top of the meat. Pour the liquid smoke over everything. Add chicken broth so it comes halfway up the side of the meat.
  3. Cook on low for 6 – 8 hours. When fully cooked and ready, the pork will shred easily. Taste, and add salt or liquid smoke as needed.
  4. Shred the pork, and return to the cooking liquid to keep warm in the crock pot until ready to serve. Serve with steamed rice or King’s Hawaiian Rolls.

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