
Pumpkin cream with seckel pear

September 29, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 1-2
Author Notes

With fall in the air I thought a pumpkin jam would pair well with a whipped cream cheese mixed with cream fraiche and ricotta. I also made some with lingonberry and white nectarine. —Sagegreen

  • 1 ounce Quaker whipped cream cheese
  • 1 ounce creme fraiche
  • 1 ounce fresh ricotta cheese
  • 2 large slices of bakery fresh multigrain sourdough wheat bread
  • 4 tablespoons pumpkin jam
  • 2 seckel pairs, thinly sliced
  • garnish of fresh lavender, mint or rosemary
  1. Blend the cream cheese and ricotta together with the creme fraiche. Spread this evenly on the bread.
  2. Spread the jam next. Add the pear and herbal garnish last. Cut each piece in half. Enjoy open face.
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8 Reviews

JoanG October 7, 2010
Will pompkin butter work as well? I don'thave pumpkin jam.
Sagegreen October 7, 2010
I just have the most wonderful pumpkin jam with almond that works well. I think pumpkin butter might work, but I would probably want a sweeter bread to put this on then, like a pumpkin tea bread rather than a whole grain one. Let me know if you try it that way and what you think. Thanks!
JoanG October 15, 2010
We tried it with a sweet, thinly slice, toasted Irish soda bread and sliced apples. It was wonderful. What brand is your pumpkin almond jam and where did you find it?
Sagegreen October 16, 2010
Thanks for letting me know. I'm so glad you liked it! My jam is from Sambores do Monte, Productos Alimtares Lda., from Portugal, Rua do Carmo 11 7090-044 Alcavcovas, made with pumpkin, sugar, almonds and cinnamon, velvety smooth! I may try to make a home batch, as soon as I can find some time to cook again...which may be in a few weeks.
JoanG October 16, 2010
Please tell me how it turns out if you cook the jam. I found a recipe for a pumpkin ginger jam online and will try to make it, maybe with almonds or amaretto added!
luvcookbooks September 30, 2010
you make the most romantic dishes ever
just discovered a lavender table at the sunday farmer's market on 77th and columbus.
must try.
Sagegreen September 30, 2010
Thanks, luvcookbooks. I was looking for a healthy, quick cheesecake alternative! The pumpkin jam has some almond in it, which makes this really luscious.
Sagegreen September 30, 2010
I love lavender! And seckel pears are really so delicate and delicious. They pair well together.