

May 31, 2017
4 Ratings
  • Makes 2 quarts custard base for ice cream
Author Notes

This makes ... a mystery. Not really. But be sure to label the finished product "covfefe" so that anyone who checks your fridge will know what it is. This recipe makes a custard base that can be used for exactly two batches of ice cream (if I added all of this custard and the cream at once to my ice cream maker it would overflow). This recipe yields two quarts of custard that will last a few days in the fridge. Each quart of custard makes one batch of ice cream in my normal sized Cuisinart ice cream maker. Also, FYI if making two batches back to back, the bowl will not be cold enough for the second batch. I haven't included how much cream to use or freezing instructions because that's up to you. I also haven't tried this custard in eggnog but I think it could work there as well. —purduetina

  • 4 cups Whole milk
  • 1.5 cups Sugar of choice (Demerara, white, maple etc)
  • 14 Eggs (yolk and white!) from pasture grazing chickens. This will be BRIGHT yellow custard
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  1. Whisk eggs and sugar until evenly mixed. Then stir in whole milk. Before cooking, find two quart jars or whatever this will be refrigerated in, a jar filling funnel (a funnel that fits inside the jars to prevent spills) and a strainer that fits on the funnel. Set up the strainer on top of the funnel so you can strain any egg bits from the custard as you fill your jars. Also, put some ice in a bowl that your cooking pan will fit in to stop custard from cooking once it reaches 160F. This makes a YUUGE difference. Trust me, I know, I've seen all kinds of things that can go wrong with frozen custard.
  2. Cook on medium or medium-low, not higher! until 160F stirring constantly with whisk. About 20 minutes. Do not skip this or things will mess up big league.
  3. Remove pan. Place in ice bath to stop cooking. Ladle cuastard into jars, using strainer if you think you need to. Refrigerate custard until ready to make ice cream using your ideal amount of cream (I use one pint of cream to each quart of base) and flavorings!

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