
Banana Fritters

June 13, 2021
6 Ratings
Photo by Julia Gartland
  • Makes 12-14
Author Notes

These fritters are soft and fluffy and almost taste like a banana donut—if such a thing exists! If you want to turn these into pancakes instead of fritters just increase the amount of milk until you have a looser batter. My grandpa always liked his fritters topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. They are equally delicious topped with icing sugar, a drizzle of maple syrup or some sweetened yogurt.

Featured In: A Quicker-Than-Quick Bread Way to Use Up BananasMiranda Keyes

  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • Vegetable, oil for frying
  • Vanilla ice cream, powdered sugar, or maple syrup, to serve
  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together bananas, eggs, and milk. In another bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Pour flour mixture into banana mixture and stir to combine. The batter will be like a thick pancake batter.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a medium saucepan or skillet until it reaches 1-inch up the sides, about 4 cups. Heat on medium-high heat. When you insert a wooden spoon and see bubbles around it, that's when it's ready for the dough. Drop heaped tablespoons of batter into oil, frying 2-3 fritters at a time. Let fry 1-2 minutes per side, until golden brown. Adjust heat if fritters start to darken too quickly. Place on a paper towel-lined plate and continue with remaining batter. Serve warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar, maple syrup, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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8 Reviews

MillieB February 26, 2022
These were fantastic, and so easy Loved them
Anna February 6, 2022
Thanks so much for this perfect recipe! So quick & super easy. My family LOVED it and I will definitely make those again!
Deanna E. June 13, 2021
These are so rad! They were so quick and easy to make. A dusting of powdered sugar on top is the perfect amount of additional sweetness. Halfway through frying these up, I decided to add cardamom into the remaining batter. It was a good choice. I will probably make these again this week!
Hazel April 2, 2018
Hi I need some advice pl. I am hoping to cook these for a tea reception and the guests will get to eat it only 3 hours after i cook them. There’s no facilities to reheat these. Is it still gonna be nice when eaten cold? Thks.
Miranda K. April 3, 2018
Hi Hazel! If they are made the same day, I think they will still taste nice and fresh. Fried foods are often better if eaten warm and I think the same applies to these fritters! Hope your tea reception goes well.
Hazel April 3, 2018
Appreciate your advice. Will give it a shot.
Deborah L. January 25, 2018
My softening bananas (because I truly like bananas green) go into yogurt sundaes or smoothies.
Kaylan February 10, 2018