
A FinalĀ Grace

November  6, 2010
1 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

I have been working with roasting pears recently. For Thanksgiving I am suggesting this recipe as a final course. Although this could easily be adapted as a salad course, here I am developing it as a dessert. You can easily double or triple this recipe. In fact you could easily double the portion, if folks were not feasting so much before. I learned about the treating pecans with molasses and tamari from a recipe by Michel Nischan several years ago. I am adding a natural maple flavor extract. —Sagegreen

  • 2 Barltett pears, halved, cored and pared
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
  • unsalted butter for pan
  • 1-2 ounces Maytag blue cheese
  • 1/2 cup shelled whole pecans
  • 1/2 tablespoon blackstrap molasses
  • 1 teaspoon tamari
  • a few drops of "natural maple flavor"
  • dusting of cinnamon
  • dash of kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup, warmed
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • splash of Poire Williams eau de vie, optional
  1. Lightly butter the bottom of a dish for roasting the pears. Place the pair of pared halved pears in the dish. Grate the nutmeg over the top of the pears before roasting in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until softened.
  2. Blend the molasses, tamari, and a few drops of maple flavor, together with a bit of kosher salt. Coat the pecans thoroughly. Dust with a touch of cinnamon. On a sheet of parchment paper upon a baking sheet line up the coated pecans. Roast in the 375 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes until somewhat dried, but of course not burned.
  3. Plate each pear half. Add a crumple of blue cheese and a few pecans. Whisk the warmed maple syrup with the lemon juice before spooning over the top. Add a splash of pear brandy if desired for the final grace of a meal. Don't annoy your guests about the possible homophones.

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16 Reviews

Bevi September 11, 2011
What a nice dessert for a holiday meal.
cheese1227 September 10, 2011
This looks like a perfect combination!
jane M. September 10, 2011
Just one word....
Sagegreen September 10, 2011
You are so kind, Jane!
cheese1227 November 9, 2010
You had me a the blue cheese.
Sagegreen November 9, 2010
Krystal F. November 8, 2010
That looks great. I love blue cheese with candied pecans on top of salad, but with roasted pears it sounds even better.
Sagegreen November 8, 2010
Thanks! It makes a great ending.
adamnsvetcooking November 7, 2010
This looks great Sage. I never though of pairing pairs with blue cheese. I think this will make it to my Thanksgiving table ;)
Sagegreen November 7, 2010
Thanks. They are wonderful together. I have often had pears and blue cheese together in salads. When I was in the Netherlands this past year, I was struck by the amazing cheese options for dessert, so that influenced this creation.
TiggyBee November 7, 2010
Just lovely, Sagegreen.
Sagegreen November 7, 2010
Thanks, TiggyBee. You are inspiring me to offer my Indian pudding recipe, which is a baked version.
Lizthechef November 6, 2010
Lovely! Pears are just coming into our Farmers Market now...
Sagegreen November 6, 2010
Thank you. Aren't pears wonderful? I am having a love affair with pears-seckel, bartlett, anjou, bosc among others!
aargersi November 6, 2010
Beautiful. Love the flavors. Those pecans are a dish in their own right - double the recipe so you can eat a bunch of them? And I would totally go ahead and annoy my guests.
Sagegreen November 6, 2010
Thanks, aargesi. You can make several cups of the pecans at a time! I add all different types of spices to them from nutmeg to cinnamon to smoked and hot paprika.