
No cholesterol, low fat vegan style bread

March 10, 2018
0 Ratings
Photo by Roze Beau
  • Serves 6-8
Author Notes

When I found out that I had high cholesterol, i started to experiment with bread recipes, so i changed some ingredients around to suit my taste and still keep my cholesterol down. Anyone who likes bread as much as I do try this amazing recipe I have come up with some small changes so it keeps you Fuller for longer so you may only need one slice.” —Rosie

  • 330 milliliters Water
  • 12 grams Virgin olive oil
  • 21 grams Soya milk
  • 8 grams Sea Salt
  • 10 grams Sugar substitute I used Total Sweet
  • 2 cups Stong Wholewheat flour
  • 3 cups Quinoa Flour
  • 1/2 cup Pea Protein powder
  • 6 grams Yeast
  1. Always start with the wet ingredients first for the breadmaker if you have one. This is what I used for settings: wholewheat, 900g,medium. Cooking time is 3hrs. If you are making this via mixing bowl start in the same way. Ensure oven is gas Mark 250 then lower it to 150 once bread is ready to be baked.
  2. Then add all the dry ingredients next with the yeast last to add. Start kneading once it has formed a dough for ten minutes. Place the dough on a bowl, cover with clingfilm in a warm place and leave to raise for an hour. Grease bread pan with low cholesterol butter, then place the dough in the pan moulding it to size you desire, then place in the oven to bake until golden brown. Keep checking with a tooth pick to ensure bread is cooked in the middle.
  3. The smell should be amazing and the taste will be even better. Try it with sugar free jam or almond butter and banana or just simply low cholesterol butter. Yummy

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