5 Ingredients or Fewer

Nendra Banana Jamun

March 21, 2018
0 Ratings
Photo by Pratiba Bhat
  • Serves 4-5
Author Notes

This is one of my loved ways of savoring these delicious variety of fruit. We find Nendra Banana mostly in the coastal belts of Karnataka and Kerala. This is another crop other than the “Mattu Gulla” that has attained the GI tag. This fruit is a very good source of energy. These bananas Have to be caramelised and served warm or Hot. Tastes best with ice creams too. —Pratiba Bhat

  • 5-6 Ripened Bananas
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • Ghee (For Shallow Frying the bananas)
  1. Step 1: Wash and peel the skin of the ripened bananas.
  2. Step 2: Cut the fruit into cylinders, 3/4 of an inch each (Check the image).
  3. Step 3: Heat a pan and smear a generous amount of ghee.
  4. Step 4: Shallow fry all the banana pieces on both sides (Smearing Ghee) till the color turns golden.
  5. Step 5: Once done, put in all the pieces to a bowl and add about 4 - 5 tablespoons of sugar. You can add more sugar for a more syrupy base.
  6. Step 8: Close the bowl with a lid and keep aside for nearly an hour. The heat of the bananas will help in caramelizing the sugar and you get a lovely sweet tasting syrupy base.
  7. Step 9: Serve warm immediately after and hour.

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2 Reviews

Regine March 21, 2018
Yummy. This must be so good. I will try it. My mom heats some butter and then add the cut up pieces of bananas and sugar which she cooks until the sugar has melted and is a bit caramely looking like in your picture. But your way of doing it is very interesting; I will give it a try.
Pratiba B. March 21, 2018
Hey :) Thank you so much. Do try. :)