Serves a Crowd

Tonantzin Dark Chocolate Brownies

April  9, 2018
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  • Serves 16
Author Notes

Do you love dark chocolate, or do you love milk chocolate?

Some tilt to either side while some remain in the middle and some others prefer to combine dark chocolate with milk. There is no plausible reason for this. It’s just an innate thing that can’t be explained. Right from the time when a lot of us were kids, we’ve always had our own chocolate preferences.

Regardless of what you prefer, there is no way you won’t like these dark chocolate brownies.

Cocoa powder is added to the baking chocolate, and a saucepan is used instead of a mixer. Then chocolate chips are added. All these add up to a wondrous chocolate mixture. Different shades of chocolate in one place!

What a glorious mix! And you bet, they taste as great as they look. Various scientific studies have proven that eating chocolate every day is good for the body. For your daily dose of chocolate, you need nothing more than these awesome dark chocolate brownies.


Add 5 ounces of unsweetened chocolate and butter to a medium saucepan. Any type of unsweetened chocolate will do. You can use expensive brands or the inexpensive ones you will find around.

Heat the mixture and stir it every half-a-minute. Do this until the mixture is all melted and smooth.

Now, sprinkle some cocoa powder into the mixture in the saucepan.

Stir until the mixture in the saucepan is smooth. Remove it from the fire and let the mixture cool for about five minutes.

Add two cups of sugar and stir the mixture until the sugar melts in.

Add a tablespoon of heavenly vanilla to the saucepan. The mixture should be getting cooler with the addition of the vanilla and the sugar. Add three eggs, breaking them in one at a time and stirring the mixture as you add each egg.

Add a sprinkle of flour to the mixture. Then stir the flour into the mixture until it is halfway blended.

To round things up, add semi-sweet chocolate chips. These dark chocolate chips will highlight the chocolate flavour of the dark chocolate brownies.

Stir everything together until the mixture is halfway blended.

Grease and flour a cooking pan with baking spray.

You can use a 9 x 13-inch cooking pan or an 8 x 8-inch cooking pan for this. A 9 x 13-inch pan will give you a thinner brownie, but you will get a more even baking if you use it. A square cooking pan will give you thicker dark chocolate brownies. Thicker brownies could take a lot of time for the center of the brownie to get baked.

No matter the size or type of pan you decide to use, the important thing is to watch over the brownie while it is baking.

Smoothen the top and bake them at 350 degrees for about 40 to 45 minutes if you are using a square pan. If you are using a rectangular pan, you can bake them for less than that. Use a toothpick to check the brownies. If the toothpick is gooey or messy, you should return it to the oven for about five to ten more minutes. Be careful so the edges don’t get burnt.

Now you need to let the dark chocolate brownies cool. Brownies always taste great when they are warm, but they taste better if you let them cool before eating them.

After they cool, you can take them out of the pan. You may need to run a knife along the edges of the pan before they come out of the pan.

You can sprinkle powdered sugar on them if you wish.

Now you can happily munch away!

I found them very filling and tasty!
Tonantzin Chocolate

  • ¾ cups Tonantzin Dark Chocolate Chips
  • ¼ to 1 cup of flour
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • ¼ cups unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • Powdered sugar
  • 5 ounces unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3 large eggs
  1. Preheat the oven to 350⁰.
  2. Melt the butter with the unsweetened chocolate in a medium-large saucepan over low heat
  3. Mix the mixture occasionally until the mixture is smooth and melted.
  4. Sprinkle cocoa powder into the mixture and whisk it.
  5. Remove the medium-large saucepan and allow it to cool for 5 minutes.
  6. Add sugar and vanilla to the mixture and stir until they just blend in.
  7. Break the eggs and stir them in one at a time.
  8. Stir in the flour until they are halfway combined.
  9. Add the dark chocolate chips and stir until they are just combined.
  10. Pour the batter into a 9 x 13 or 8 x 8 baking pan.
  11. Spread the batter in the pan to even out the top
  12. Bake it in the oven for about 40 minutes.
  13. Use a toothpick to inspect the brownies. If the toothpick is still very gooey, return the brownies to the oven for about ten more minutes. Be careful not to burn the edges of the brownies.
  14. Allow the baked brownies to cool.
  15. Sprinkle in powdered sugar onto the brownies.
  16. Cut the dark chocolate brownies into small squares
  17. when they are cool. Some people even save them until the next day. However, some people prefer them warm.
  18. No matter your preference, you’ll be sure to have a happy time munching on these delightful dark chocolate brownies.

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