Make Ahead

Favorite counter-surfacing meal when mom is not looking

November 10, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2 people and sometimes a water dog or two
Author Notes

Tonight we will be having a version of what I call "James Beard" chicken...a whole chicken roasted in a dutch oven with about 40 cloves of garlic and a cup or two of red wine. My two Portuguese Water dogs, Floozie and Smuggler are at the ready if I leave the bird on the counter where they can reach and run. I'm on to their game, but I do let Floozy do clean up...she is nothing less that a perfectionist at that job! —dymnyno

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7 Reviews

boulangere May 1, 2011
Esmé the perfect dog (petite border collie) recently decided she didn't like being excluded from Easter dinner by helping herself to the remains of the leg of lamb.
Sagegreen November 14, 2010
What a gorgeous stomper and gleaner!
dymnyno November 14, 2010
Thanks...yesterday we finished harvest 2010... He did his part!!
dymnyno November 11, 2010
Yes , is a family project!
aargersi November 11, 2010
Your dogs are grape stompers too!! What talent!!
dymnyno November 11, 2010
Yes, dogs are an important part of the wine making business. This is not a unique phenomenon....there is a book called "Vineyard Dogs of the Napa Valley" that showcases many of the dogs who work in the wine industry and my dogs have a few pages.
TheWimpyVegetarian November 16, 2010
I've seen the book! I'll have to look at it again now that I know your dogs are in it! We're between dogs right now, and I really miss coming home to my animal family.