
Grilled Pesto Pizza

May 20, 2020
0 Ratings
  • Prep time 10 minutes
  • Cook time 10 minutes
  • Serves 1-2
Author Notes

This grilled pizza is nothing short of everything my lunch dreams are made of this time of year--fresh, filling, and dare I say fancy? Crunchy, flavorful crust topped with pesto and veggies. That's it. It's so simple and satisfying and perfect for an at home lunch. The beauty of this recipe is that you can use what you have on hand and it's quick -- little to no mess, either. Winning! —chelseah0lt

  • 1 Store Bought Pizza Dough, at room temp.
  • 1/2 cup Pesto (the massive Costco jar will not fail you)
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Splash Balsamic Vinegar
  • Bunch Cherry Tomatoes, halved
  • Bunch Red Onion, sliced thin
  • Bunch Red Bell Pepper, sliced thin
  • Pinch Garlic
  • Handful Goat Cheese
  • Handful Grated Parmesan
  1. Set out the store bought dough in the morning so it's at room temperature by lunchtime.
  2. Light up your (clean!) grill on high and close it. Line a sheet pan with parchment. Stretch your dough so that it's about 1/2 inch thick - you won't want it too thin! Generously rub olive oil all over both sides of your dough on that parchment paper. Set aside
  3. Grab a small bowl and toss your chopped veggies (whatever you have on hand!). Drizzle with olive oil, a splash of balsamic, and season to your liking with garlic, salt, and pepper. Load up your sheet pan with everything (veggies, pesto, and cheese) - this will be quick!
  4. Open up your grill, and turn down your heat slightly. Take your oily, stretched piece of dough and lay it directly on the grill. Once the dough is bubbly, flip it over for another minute or two.
  5. Remove the dough entirely from the grill and return to your parchment lined sheet pan. Close the grill to get the heat back up. Spread the pesto, top with veggies, and lastly sprinkle on the goat cheese and grated parmesan.
  6. Return the pizza to the grill and close it up! Let the cheese melt and the veggies do their thing. About 3-4 minutes.
  7. Remove your pizza from the grill and enjoy! Top with crushed red pepper, arugula, and, if you're feeling crazy, a drizzle of honey.

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