
The Only Bolognese Recipe you Need

March  1, 2021
0 Ratings
Photo by Erin Pace Stegman
  • Prep time 1 hour
  • Cook time 1 hour
  • Serves 10
Author Notes

I first learned to make bolognese while studying in Florence in 2011. Since then, I've adapted my recipe based on influences from living in San Francisco and Stockholm.

Enjoy! —Erin Pace Stegman

  • Fresh Pasta
  • 1000 grams 0.0 flour
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 2 eggs
  • plastic wrap
  • semolina for dusting
  • sea salt for boiling water
  • Bolognese
  • 250 grams pancetta
  • 1/4 cup olive oil/butter
  • 1/3 cup finely minced shallots
  • 2 cups finely minced yellow onions
  • 2 cups finely minced celery
  • 2 cups finely minced carrots
  • 5 whole garlic cloves (lightly crushed)
  • 5-8 Bay Leaves
  • 1500 grams veal, pork, beef
  • 1/2 liter italian red wine
  • 100 grams veal fond
  • 600 grams tomato paste
  • 1-2 teaspoons nutmeg
  • salt and pepper
  • pecorino and parm for dusting (microbladed)
  1. Start by finely mincing all vegetables.
  2. Brown pancetta in a heavy bottomed pan, remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
  3. Add butter and olive oil to the pancetta grease and saute vegetables and garlic for 10 minutes. Push vegetable to one side of the pan to create space to brown the meat. Once meat is browned, add pancetta and bay leaves and combine well.
  4. Add red wine, good broth/fond, tomato paste and nutmeg. Simmer for one hour. Add salt and pepper to taste, but remember the pasta will be heavily salted as well!
  5. While the sauce is simmering, start making the pasta below!
  6. Begin by adding flour to a wide bowl and making a hole/valley in the center. Whisk eggs in the hole until smooth, then gradually incorporate more flour (focus on keeping the egg mixture as smooth as possible). Continue to add more flour until it is too thick to use a whisk/fork. Dust your hands with flour and begin to knead and incorporate more flour until the dough is smooth and isn't sticky when you poke into the center. Divide into baseball sized balls, wrap with plastic wrap, leave on counter for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Unwrap the dough and dust your kitchen counter with semolina flour. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough so it can get spun through a pasta maker. Run the pasta through the maker from size 0 until size 6. Let the dough rest on the counter until you've made all the sheets. Dust with flour and make sure they don't stick together :)
  8. Run the dough through the tagliatelle attachment. Dust with semolina and either lay on counter, hand on hanger, or place into nests.
  9. Add pasta to heavily salted water for 2 minutes or until it is floating to the top. Strain and add to sauce immediately to prevent sticking together.
  10. Top with parm or pecorino and enjoy!

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2 Reviews

boulangere March 1, 2021
TABLESPOONS of nutmeg?!
Erin P. March 1, 2021
just changed it to teaspoons! thanks for the heads up ;)