5 Ingredients or Fewer

Scrambled, Gently Peppered Eggs

December 12, 2021
0 Ratings
  • Prep time 5 minutes
  • Cook time 5 minutes
  • Serves One
Author Notes

After I watched your Caramelized Cream Eggs From Ideas in Food video, you went on to do the "Mike's recipe that not a recipe eggs." It reminded me of how I scrambled eggs because you also mentioned how delicate eggs can be so good too.

I do like pepper in scrambled eggs. BUT, black pepper always seemed so harsh to me. So, I tried putting small amounts of Texas Pete sauce into the bowl with a few cracked eggs that I planned to gently stir. I do them as though I want to make an omelet; just not quite so well mixed. I use butter in a non-stick pan and keep the heat a little toward the low medium setting. On my electric range that's straight down, six o'clock and let the butter just start going brown. I put the eggs all in then. Wait a few moments toss them about slowly until there's just a bit of white that's not done. I take them off the stove and keep slowly flipping them until they are almost perfect--soft and almost ready. Then I plate them and add salt on the plate. They come out fully but so gently done that they have their own unique taste. If you try this, there's some perfect amount of peppery flavor that is not harsh and barely warms your palate. -- My small children embarrassed me at my mother-in-law's home asking for her to do scrambled eggs like Dad does them. Prior to this, my wife who claimed after two years of having her eggs done this way claimed, "i don't like pepper on my eggs." Next, I confessed that I had made every egg I ever cooked for her that way because she always asked for scrambled. She said, "Well I guess I do like pepper in my eggs; I ask for scrambled because I like your eggs." By the way, Mother fried eggs Mike's method from fat of the bacon. She even did the same basting method that you showed to finish the top.
\I am going to try some of the herb/spice with olive oil as you showed! —Blackthumb

  • 2 eggs
  • Texas Pete (a pepper sauce)
  • Salt
  • 2 pats of butter
  1. Crack eggs into a bowl large enough to mix them. Add Texas Pete hot sauce (not so much) try around six drops and adjust from there on later batches. Texas Pete amounts to a less harsh replacement for black pepper.
  2. Use a non-stick skillet with two pats of butter heating on half of the range setting to gently scramble the mixture as soon as the butter just almost starts to brown. Wait for curds to form and slowly turn the eggs until there's some white that's still not cooked. Hold the skillet off the fire as you finish getting the last of the whites almost done. Plate the eggs at that point. And serve them slightly salted.

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