
Unbaked Oaty Energy Balls

June  3, 2022
0 Ratings
Photo by Greengoddess108
  • Prep time 10 minutes
  • Cook time 30 minutes
  • makes 12
Author Notes

This is a wonderful treat the whole family will enjoy. These energy balls take about 10 minutes to make and 10 minutes to roll. Make sure your nut butter is at room temperature to make it easier work.

Uncooked oats are more alkalizing than cooked oats, which can become toxic. Orange peel has a wonderful flavor and also helps to reduce fat. This is great for Kapha (earthy body constitutions) when they need a sweet fix as honey is the best option for their dosha - Ayurvedic body constitutions. Want to know what your body constitution is and how it can help you manage your moods and weight? Come over and take our quiz - —Amrita Ma Devi

  • 1 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup hazelnut butter
  • 1/4 cup cocoa butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup apricots soaked
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1 orange zest
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  1. Lightly toast the oats in a cast iron pan for two minutes. As you toast them, toss them around as this will help them become more digestible.
  2. Melt the cocoa butter in a small saucepan on gentle heat until it becomes liquid.
  3. In a bowl place the rest of the ingredients, and mix them with a fork until it becomes a dough.
  4. Use a spoonful of the dough and with your hands shape it into a ball. Put them in the fridge for 20 minutes to chill if you prefer. Enjoy them with your favorite cardamom chai tea or synergy latte.

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2 Reviews

Brooke K. July 12, 2022
Is it cocoa butter or coconut oil that you use?? The ingredients say one thing and the description says the other
Amrita M. July 13, 2022
Hey Brooke, I would suggest using cocoa butter. This makes them taste incredibly creamy. But you can also replace the cocoa butter entirely if you don't have it to hand with coconut oil :) Enjoy!