5 Ingredients or Fewer

Easy Overnight Sourdough Bread

October 19, 2022
5 Ratings
Photo by TheFeatheredNester
  • Prep time 30 minutes
  • Cook time 1 hour
  • Serves 12
Author Notes

Full Recipe: https://thefeatherednester.com/sourdough-recipe/
This is the perfect sourdough bread for a beginner! It is easy and forgiving and virtually foolproof. Just follow the process and you'll be rewarded with an amazing loaf of sourdough. I recommend starting this bread in the evening and letting it rise overnight.

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  • 1/4 cup sourdough starter
  • 1 2/3 cups warm filtered water
  • 4 1/4 cups bread flour
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  1. Full Recipe: https://thefeatherednester.com/sourdough-recipe/ This is the perfect sourdough bread for a beginner! It is easy and forgiving and virtually foolproof. Just follow the process and you'll be rewarded with an amazing loaf of sourdough. I recommend starting this bread in the evening and letting it rise overnight.

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7 Reviews

Lyla December 20, 2022
OMG this is the absolute best sourdough bread recipe ever! I have been attempting to make sourdough bread for many years with some successes but more failures. However, this recipe worked the first time and, so far ever time! It is easy to make and takes very little hands-on time.
TheFeatheredNester December 21, 2022
Thank you for trying!
Vera December 14, 2023
can you tell me what process do we follow for this recipe ?
Harry March 15, 2024
Why no recipe 😢?
STARBIRD November 13, 2022
Where does one find sourdough starter?
TheFeatheredNester November 13, 2022
You can make one: https://thefeatherednester.com/homemade-sourdough-starter/, get one from a friend, buy a dried one from Amazon and rehydrate it, or buy a fresh ready to use one from Etsy (which is what I did for my first starter. I talk about those methods in my sourdough starter post above.
STARBIRD November 14, 2022
Thank you.