5 Ingredients or Fewer

Easy Bisquick Cherry Cobbler

July 30, 2023
0 Ratings
Photo by TheFeatheredNester
  • Prep time 5 minutes
  • Cook time 25 minutes
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Full Recipe: https://thefeatherednester.com/easy-bisquick-cherry-cobbler/
Bisquick Cherry Cobbler is a lazy summer dessert that tastes extraordinary! Wow your guests with this juicy, tasty 30-minute fruit cobbler! —TheFeatheredNester

  • cherry pie filling
  • Bisquick baking mix
  • milk
  • sugar
  • unsalted butter
  1. Full Recipe: https://thefeatherednester.com/easy-bisquick-cherry-cobbler/ Bisquick Cherry Cobbler is a lazy summer dessert that tastes extraordinary! Wow your guests with this juicy, tasty 30-minute fruit cobbler!

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