
Cardamom yogurt custard with candied pomelo

February  3, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Ever since I moved into an apartment with an old Wedgewood stove I have been making batch after batch of yogurt, as the interior is the perfect incubation temperature for overnight. I occasionally play around by infusing the milk with various spices, teas, or coffee before culturing into yogurt and cardamom has been one of my most successful experiments.

  • 1 quart lowfat milk
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • 1 pomelo peel
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt (ingredient list contain only milk and yogurt cultures)
  1. Remove peel from pomelo with a knife, removing nearly all of the white pith and cut in to 1/4 inch wide strips.
  2. Meanwhile, start a quart of water boiling. When water comes to a boil, add the pomelo peels and return to a boil. Boil two minutes, remove from heat, and let stand 5 minutes. Drain and rinse pomelo.
  3. Add 1.5 cups sugar and 1.5 cups water to pan and mix. Heat until sugar is dissolved, then add pomelo to the pot and bring to a simmer. Simmer until liquid is nearly all evaporated, about 30--45 minutes. Remove pomelo and place on drying rack. After pomelo strips have cooled, coat in reamaining 1/2 cup sugar and return to drying rack. Dry overnight or in a warm ~100F oven.
  4. For yogurt, in a heavy-bottomed pan bring milk and crushed cardomom pods up to ~185 F over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Hold at 185 for at least five minutes then remove from heat.
  5. Check heat of milk with thermometer or finger every couple of minutes and stir while doing so to prevent a skin from forming on the milk. When milk is 112F or cool enough to leave your finger in for several seconds whisk in 1/4 cup plain yogurt.
  6. Cover and place in warm location overnight ( at least 8 hours). I use my oven--the pilot flame keeps it between 100 and 115 F, perfect conditions for yogurt making. If you incubate at a lower temperature the yogurt may take longer to gel.
  7. Remove cardamom pods from yogurt and place in refrigerator if not using immediately. Store candied pomelo peel in an airtight container.
  8. To make the custard preheat oven to 300 F. Mix eggs with honey until dissolved. Add 2 cups of the cardamom yogurt to the egg mixture (you will have extra yogurt--enjoy with granola or mangos). Thoroughly mix and pour into six ramekins.
  9. Place ramekins in deep-sided baking pan and place in oven. Pour hot water into pan up to 1/2 height of ramekins.
  10. Bake until center is set, about 30 minutes. Cool slightly or thoroughly and serve with candied pomelo peel and additional honey, if desired.
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2 Reviews

prettyPeas February 3, 2011
Thanks!! I love pomelo (the inside) for salads and I finally started candying some of the peels. They're also great dipped in chocolate, in tea, and to garnish mixed drinks.
AntoniaJames February 3, 2011
Great idea, using pomelo! It's so under-appreciated, but one of my favorite winter fruits. This is a nice recipe, and one I plan to try. I've been meaning to candy some pomelo peels now for weeks. This provides plenty of motivation to do so. Thanks for posting this! ;o)