
Date and Pistachio Baked Pudding (glutenĀ free)

February 19, 2011
1 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

At a recent benefit (Bubble Foundation, NYC) that I assisted in the preparation of foods, a gluten free cookie was served. I started thinking about adapting some of my baked goods to be gluten free also. This one fell right into place as it was practically gluten free to begin with.
My great grandmother appears to have had a love affair with dates and nuts. Some of her other recipes were date nut bread, date nut bars, and a cake. Judging from a bit of research, cooking with dates and nuts was not uncommon during the Depression era. This date and nut baked pudding is a great example of a pudding that did not have to be watched on the stove, freeing the cook to do other things while it baked. Dates added sweetness when sugar was at a premium price and nuts were often free for the picking (from the ground when they fell) in many parts of the country. There is only a smidgen of flour and butter here. Eggs and milk were most likely provided by a local farmer (in Ohio where my great grandmother lived). She was the wife of a dentist and I know from my grandmother that they were often paid in goods and services in lieu of cash during those lean times. I took the liberty of gussying up my great grandmother's recipe by adding some chocolate and espresso to this already tasty recipe. It is also a one bowl affair which is always a plus. —testkitchenette

  • 1 cup chopped dates (pour scant 1/4 c. boiling water over them, let sit for 5 minutes, and then puree till smooth)
  • 1 cup finely chopped nuts (I used pistachios)
  • 1/3 cup sugar (scant)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons flour (I used white whole wheat)for the gluten free version use the same amount of oat flour or almond meal
  • 1 tablespoon espresso
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • Pinch salt
  • `1 handfuls chopped dark chocolate
  1. Preheat oven to 300F. Butter an 8X8 baking dish. Stir all ingredients in a bowl until fully incorporated. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes.
  2. Let cool a bit and serve by itself, with vanilla ice cream, unsweetened whipped cream, or some thick yogurt.

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14 Reviews

Lizthechef February 24, 2011
Great idea for a new post - I tested a date jam at our local Farmers Market and swooned over it - let's keep at the date recipes!
testkitchenette February 27, 2011
Should we have a "Datecuterie"?
Lizthechef February 24, 2011
I, too, have many family and Depression-era recipes spotlighting dates. This looks terrific!
testkitchenette February 24, 2011
Thank you, Liz! I'd love to see some of your family recipes with dates. I seem to put them in everything at the moment!
chiocolat February 23, 2011
I *really* like dates so I can't wait to try this. Texture-wise, would you describe it as a half-baked brownie? Or is it a bit firmer? Thank you for sharing your great grandmother's recipe :)
testkitchenette February 24, 2011
Thank you, chiocolat! Texture wise, it is a bit like an undercooked brownie, but in a good way. It firms up after hanging out in the refrigerator! I love learning more about my family's history through their recipes!
Sagegreen February 20, 2011
How interesting! Great story, too.
testkitchenette February 20, 2011
Thank you, Sagegreen! I love reminiscing about my family through food memories.
ellenl February 19, 2011
I'm going to make this very soon--it sounds wonderful!
testkitchenette February 20, 2011
Thank you ellenl, you will enjoy it! I look forward to hearing how you like it!
Greenstuff February 19, 2011
Great story. We had a lot more dates in my childhood 1950s than I'd think of eating today, and I knew that a lot of our family date recipes were carried over from my mother's time. Since dates aren't local anywhere in the U.S., you'd think they were exotic, but little white boxes packed with lined-up dates were ubiquitous when I was growing up. I love the thought of your great grandmother eating local eggs and butter...and dates.
testkitchenette February 20, 2011
Thank you Greenstuff for your historical insight! My grandmother continued using dates in her baking and never tired of them. I now recall her saying that dates were plentiful and one of the only imported items she remembers using. I have apparently been bitten by the date bug as I use them in everything, savory and sweet!
dymnyno February 19, 2011
This sounds delicious...dates are so naturally sweet and I love your addition of chocolate and expresso.
testkitchenette February 20, 2011
Thank you dymnyno! I love baking with dates!