
13 Lunch-Ready Salads for Every Food Mood

January  4, 2016

In theory, I love salad. Love it. But in practice, I'm rarely in the mood for one. Which is silly! With so many salads out there—and so many of them open to the leftover cooked grains or meats from last night's dinner—you're bound to find at least one that's right for you. Here are 13 lunch-ready salads for every food mood.

If you need something rich and creamy...

If you're only in it for the egg...

If you want to go with the grain...

If you'd like a fruity twist...

If you think you'd rather go with a steak...

If by "salad" you mean "mostly bread"...

And if you're feeling adventurous...

Any salads you're always in the mood for? We wanna hear all about 'em!

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Kate
  • Gabi Benedit
    Gabi Benedit
Gabi Benedit

Written by: Gabi Benedit

domestic dilettante.


Kate January 4, 2016
Frisée with bacon lardons and fried or poached egg. So good.
Gabi B. January 6, 2016
Oh, that sounds heavenly.