How to prepare a healthy dinner for a person who is beginning a new workout regimen ?



Linn May 24, 2012
Learn to cook. Eat real food. And don't worry too much about fat, especially the kind from olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty fishes ...
Kristen W. May 21, 2012
Before I answer, let me say that I think to some extent, no one diet fits everyone. I'm sure there is a genetic component to how we process food, and it's important to listen to how your body reacts to different ways of eating. That said, as a general guideline I do know that eating foods from different groups in combination can be beneficial. For example, a snack or meal that contains a protein, complex carbohydrate, and fruit and/or vegetable will metabolize slower than one that has fewer food groups in combination. This leaves you satisfied for longer and less inclined to overeat or turn to junk food in a pinch. Also, non-animal proteins can be combined with other foods to provide a "complete protein" -- that is, protein that contains all of the amino acids that are essential for humans -- so that no dietary necessities are lacking. Beans and rice, for example, comprise a complete protein. Also, I personally don't shy away from all fats, but try to eat food that is high in monounsaturated fat and even polyunsaturated fat (although I believe the former is considered healthiest) -- olive oil, avocado, etc., so that I can eat healthy and be satisfied at the same time. Healthy foods that are high in monounsaturated fats (like extra-virgin olive oil) also usually have some saturated fat, but for a realistic diet I think it's hard to avoid, and when used in moderation I think the benefits outweigh the cost.

Finally, since I personally cannot live happily without some animal protein in my diet, I often try to cook meals in which meat is present but not "the star" (e.g. tacos with lots of condiments and a just a little bit of well-seasoned meat, meat & veggie curry or stir-fry, etc.) This helps to cut down on saturated fats, since animal proteins tend to have a lot of it. These ideas, by the way, aren't meant as a specific way of eating for a specific fitness program, but since you said you were interested in a healthier lifestyle I thought I'd put it out there. Good luck -- I absolutely think that eating well can be totally delicious and satisfying!
Sam1148 May 21, 2012
For the first few weeks go low carb (not completely no-carb, but no processed carbs). Veggies, fish, Chicken, turkey, grains, salads. Spinach, kale, greens..etc. No high fat dressings on salads, such as ranch or blue cheese. But olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. Nuts like almonds for snacks..and remove all processed foods. No heavy cream sauces or butter sauces. And add fruit! Apricots, apple bits, berries etc.

After a month of that add higher protein to fuel muscle mass adding things like sardines, egg whites for omelets/scrambles, quinoa, salmon, tuna steaks; and yes even red meat in small portions and whole grain breads or pasta, etc.
sexyLAMBCHOPx May 22, 2012
Sam, thats what I kinda do.
Rachel S. May 21, 2012
I've heard some good things about the Paleo diet as well, and one of the awesome things at face value about the regimen is that the food is actually interesting. It is so hard to be motivated to eat healthfully of you're just playing the steamed veggie tune over and over again. This is probably a great excuse for you to get creative with things like sauces to make things that are perhaps lower in fat, but not lacking in flavor (things like miso, ginger, garlic, roasted peppers, yogurt, and roasted eggplant add great flavor, body, and/or complexity to sauces without adding fat). As someone who has had to change my eating habits on occasion for athletic training, I find that I stick with the plan much better if I feel like I'm not missing out on delicious things.
SKK May 21, 2012
A friend in San Antonio is into Crossfit big time and has been on the Paleo diet for almost a year and has gotten stronger and leaner. He feels and looks great.
mike2012 May 21, 2012
It's to promote healthy lifestyle, weightless was never an issue ... Eating healthier is ... Working out to the new program ... Crossfit ... Thank you for all assistance

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SeaJambon May 21, 2012
What is motivating the regimen -- weight loss? A specific disease concern (for example, diabetes)?Some regimen's come with their own nutritional/food "recommendations" if so, use those for the guide. Otherwise, the "usual" healthy guidelines apply: lots of veggies and fruits (steamed or otherwise prepared with a light hand -- avoid high fat sauces, like cheese sauce) -- the more colorful the better (so go with the greens, reds, oranges and golds and stay away from the whites). A light amount of starch and/or animal based proteins. One of the nice things about veggies and fruits, when they are raw or steamed with light to no dressings/sauces, portion control doesn't apply.

If you can provide more info about the specific workout regimen and/or the motivation for the same, we might be able to provide more specific insights...
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