Any suggestions for cooking basmati rice

Linda SotoJ


Lost_in_NYC August 4, 2012
If you want to cook basmati rice the true Indian way-

1) rinse the rice clean until the water runs clean.
2) You can either cook it in a rice cooker using the appropriate measurements and ONLY water & small salt based on quantity. OR....
3) Cook it in a pressure cooker for about 15-20 minutes (until the whistle blows - with water only). Rice always comes beautiful - separate and fluffy each and every time.

(To this day, my mom only uses method #3 and I used method #2 because I don't have a big need for a pressure cooker in my NYC apt) I'm a rice purist so I prefer cooking it without stock but to each his own.
tinaluz August 3, 2012
I really like this recipe

Sam1148 July 30, 2012
I always use stock instead of plan water for rice. Olive oil or butter. I'll cheat and use some chicken stock crystals (which are nice to have on hand, just don't add extra salt if using).

Rinsing, as mentioned and cooking as mentioned.
Sunflower seeds and chopped green onions are great addition to basmati nice for serving.
chef O. July 30, 2012
Thanks for the rinsing tip... I never knew that
Reiney July 29, 2012
Definitely rinse well - rub your fingers through it as you do it, and rinse until the water runs completely clear.

Note that the ratio of rice:water will vary based on the rice (brand, age, etc) but I'd suggest that 1:2 is on the high side. Err on 1:1.5

I've tried all kinds of ratios & techniques for basmati but I find that Amanda's technique on this site works really well - bring the washed rice to a simmer with water and a pinch of salt, cover and pop in a 400F oven for 17 minutes. Stand 5, fluff & serve.

It results in a more even and drier cooking, and less of that crusty residue that more direct heat (stovetop) methods can yield.
sdebrango July 28, 2012
I steam the rice, first par boiling in a lot of water (rinse and drain first) then I add some oil to the bottom of the pot, add the rice a few tbs of water and some butter, cover tightly and steam it. Here is a recipe.
Nozlee S. August 3, 2012
sdebrango knows what she's talking about! this is the traditional way to cook basmati rice in many middle eastern countries.
AliceCb July 28, 2012
Remember to wash the rice well and drain it before cooking
viblanco July 27, 2012
Hmmm... perhaps you could be more specific?
Do you mean how to cook basmati rice or what to serve with basmati rice? If you are cooking it to serve with an entree then you should do the following:
1) measure an amount of rice, for example, 1 cup of rice.
2) measure an amount of water that is double the amount of rice. For example, if you want to make 1 cup of rice then you need 2 cups of water.
3) put the water in a sauce pan on high and bring to a boil.
4) add the rice, put on a lid and lower the temperature to low so that it will simmer.
5) after 20 - 25 minutes, once the rice is finished, turn off the stove.
jsdunbar July 27, 2012
I cook it as I do other rice: 1 cup rice to 2 to 21/2 cups water. Bring to a boil ; cover & simmer 20 to 25 minutes. That's the basic. You can add butter, herbs or whatever. Use stock, a mixture of water with white wine or dry vermouth. That should get you started.
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