
can i can and if so how, your tomato sauce with butter by marcella hazan

grandma martha


louisez August 8, 2012
I, too, have frozen the sauce, in serving-size containers. I;ve especially liked it made with fresh tomatoes in the summer.
Quinciferous August 8, 2012
I agree with everyone else that this recipe isn't safe to can.

However, I have frozen it very successfully a few times. I think it's lovely to reheat real tomato sauce in the midwinter, and freezing the sauce in serving-sized portions is a safe way to do it. You can even use freezer bags, though I use jars.
Droplet August 7, 2012
Additionally,butter has a small amount of milk solids in it, which will additionally increase the risk of fermentation.
mainecook61 August 6, 2012
I agree with all of the cautions. Even plain home-canned tomatoes may need a teaspoon of an acid like vinegar, lemon juice, or powdered citric acid to have the proper acidity.
SeaJambon August 6, 2012
Food safety in canning is such an important issue (and particularly issues like -- if it is safe, how long do I process and using which method) that I would STRONGLY discourage use of anything but properly tested recipes (if a recipe doesn't include the proper processing method -- water bath or pressure canner -- and the length of time to process, chances are excellent it is NOT a tested recipe). Tomatoes are a funny thing -- used to be that you could count on them having the right Ph (i.e., sufficient acidity) but over the years they've been bred to be less acid so some of the processing recommendations are changing -- even to a pressure canner at times depending primarily on what else (like onions, green pepper -- so not even getting into the oil/fat issue) is in the recipe. Do you really want to take that chance?
Diana B. August 5, 2012
I agree that there's too much butter in this to can safely; generally fats and oils are dangerous to home can. However, you could can the tomato sauce without the butter and then add the butter when you open your jar and heat it to serve. I'm not sure it would have the same impact as simmering the sauce with the butter in the first place, but it would certainly be a lot safer.
themissingingredient August 5, 2012
It is really very simple to make at the last minute. Open a can of tomato sauce and add one onion. How simple is that and why on earth would you want to can it? Don't make extra work and mess for yourself!
SKK August 5, 2012
My go to water-bath canned tomato sauce which I make every year is Some batches I do not want the cinnamon and I just leave it out. This recipe is so good and is loved in our family and community.
SeaJambon August 5, 2012
Adding emphasis to both ksherk and SKK. Really, truly -- and let me spell it out, insufficient acidity and you are playing Russian Roulette with b-o-t-u-l-i-s-m. Can't see it or smell it in your product, but it can kill you nonetheless.
SKK August 5, 2012
Totally agree with ksherk. Can't stress enough the importance of acidity. The beauty of Hazan's recipe is it is simple and meant to be eaten at once.

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KirstenS August 5, 2012
Water canning? Only if you can confirm the acidity of your sauce. It must be less than 4.6 to be safe for canning - and given the amount of butter, I'm not sure if that's possible.
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