Technical Question!

How do you delete a recipe from "My Recipes"?



calendargirl November 18, 2013
Somewhat related question: When does a recipe submitted to a contest become available to edit? I left out an ingredient and was unable to add a photo because I posted a recipe at the very last minute. Have been feeling abashed and embarrassed and eager for the chance to make it right.
dymnyno November 18, 2013
I think the question is how do we delete our own recipes if we want to, not the recipes of others that we have saved?
cbwarman November 17, 2013
It would be really helpful to be able to delete recipes you no longer want to save. I have a few that I didn't enjoy as much as others and don't want to make them again.
Amanda H. November 17, 2013
Thank you for this reminder -- appreciate it.
Amanda H. October 23, 2012
We don't have a delete button on recipes. Because of our contest system, allowing people to delete their own recipes that we may already be testing, etc., could wreak havoc. As for removing recipes from your saved list, we don't yet have this functionality but we can look into adding it.
directjudy October 23, 2012
OK - thanks. Would be useful in case you want to get rid of a recipe....
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