Sevilla and Malaga

I going to Sevilla and Malaga in Spain and need some foodie tips, restaurant, markets, shops, must eats, etc.

Jenny Maria


Summer O. May 11, 2013
All I know is they sell jamon everywhere, even what is sold in the gas stations is far superior to what we get at the grocery store here, binge on it. The food area of the Corte Ingles (dare I call it a Spanish Harrod's?) is impressive. We purchased a whole octopus there amongst plenty of other items at which to gawk. And the regular grocery stores are also such a different experience, I purchased a rabbit at one, don't recall which chain though. If you get a chance to go to the white town of Priego de Cordoba, not far from Malaga, go, it is beautiful. Have fun!
healthierkitchen May 5, 2013
everything above sounds so delicious! In addition, we enjoyed tiny sardines and cigales, which are a kind of shellfish somewhere between the size of shrimp and lobster. You just peel and eat them. In Sevilla we had the most incredible tapa of teeny tiny baby octopi (sp?) and often tried the chorizo and tortilla tapas. And lots of jamon. Enjoy!
Nancy H. May 5, 2013
Rent a car and drive out to Sanlucar de Barrameda, have a fine fish lunch at Casa Bigote, right on the estuary, try especially tortelitas de camarones, a sort of fritter of little locally caught shrimp, and ortigillas (sea anemone--another local specialty and my goodness, so worth the voyage), drink a glass of crisp, salty La Gitana manzanilla, the local version of sherry, and time your visit so that after lunch you can stroll along the beach and watch the sun set over the Coto Doñana wild life reserve on the opposite shore.
lloreen May 5, 2013
Hey, I'm going to Sevilla this summer too - i will take notes on the recommendations. I am also going to Granada
Rich M. May 5, 2013
Great tapas place called Dos de Mayo, Plaza Gavidia 6. It gets crowded. Go early (8:30, 9) and watch as the pace changes through the evening. Sevilla was also where I first had salmorejo, a wonderful creamy (with no cream) tomato and bread soup, served in many places.
Amanda H. May 5, 2013
Don't miss revueltos -- a scrambled egg dish that they make with everything from mushrooms to chorizo. It's a dinner dish, not breakfast.
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