Looking for a wicked Cabbage Roll recipe!

Just like the title says... looking for a great, tried and true Cabbage Roll recipe. Cabbage head is ready to go, but I've never made cabbage rolls before. The husband is Ukrainian so the expectations are high! I don't just want to google a random recipe. Going to make these while the baby's asleep, so please hurry!



sexyLAMBCHOPx June 20, 2013
I bet Kukla has a great one in her repertoire.
amysarah June 19, 2013
The stuffed cabbage I grew up with (via both the Russian and Hungarian sides of my family) was stuffed with beef and rice and always simmered in a sweet/sour sauce - tomatoes, onions, a little red wine or cider vinegar, pinch of sugar, sometimes even some raisins, especially if there were children at the dinner. (Sweet/sour is a very traditional taste profile in middle European Jewish (Ashkenazi) cooking, e.g., cabbage soup. sweet/sour meatballs, etc.) Total soul food for me.
nutcakes June 19, 2013
For future reference, try Martha Stewart's. Galumpkis. She is of Polish ancestry and these were from her grandmother. They are one of her most famous recipes. I really like them.
Pegeen June 19, 2013
This is a good, classic one. I add a couple dashes Worcestershire sauce to mine for a little extra bite/seasoning.
darksideofthespoon June 19, 2013
Now for a new question.. what to serve with them?!

I was considering Deer Sausage (husband not only made them.. but shot and processed the deer!) and roasted carrots.
JanetFL June 19, 2013
I love roasted carrots with cabbage rolls and including the deer sausage that your husband provided is a very special touch!
darksideofthespoon June 19, 2013
I ended up making this guy!
I didn't boil the cabbage, I heard freezing and thawing is easier than boiling (you just have to do it ahead of time) and it turned out well! I didn't read the recipe through though and accidentally cooked the pork with the rice... Oh well! We'll see how they turn out. :) Fingers crossed!
mensaque June 19, 2013
Sorry,I guess we left you hanging and the baby is problably awake by now!I like using cooked rice and minced beaf in the stuffing with lots of onion and red bell peppers.You should boile the leafs a bit so that it makes easier to roll and if you use toothpicks instead of strings,serving will be much easier.Cook them in a brth ,in tomato juice or steam them asian style.Good luck!
mensaque June 19, 2013
Oh,and don't forget to add fresh herbs:parsley or mint work great.Drizle some olive oil when it's done.
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