Any tips for getting out blackberry stains?

They're on light linen and so far dish soap, bar soap, and the boiling water trick haven't worked. (The incident happened yesterday, so they're already fairly set.) Thanks in advance!

Kristen Miglore


lloreen June 30, 2013
Oxy clean takes out blood and red wine, even when set for a few days, so it might be your best hope. I use the spray bottle - sure lemon juice is better in an Eco sense, but I wouldn't mess around with a serious stain.
susan G. June 28, 2013
When I worked at an inn called Blueberry Hill Farm, guests would invariably spill some of the wonderful blueberry dessert on their clothes. The owner would send them into the (tiny) bathroom to hand her the clothing item. She would take a tea kettle of boiling water, hold it as high as possible, and pour the water on the stain. It must have worked, since we didn't hear complaints afterwards. Of course, this was for fresh stains, not ones that had set. Remember for future disasters!
dymnyno June 28, 2013
I think that one of those products that removes red wine stains should work, like "Wine Away". We use an industrial version of Oxyclean in the winery.
ATG117 June 27, 2013
second the oxy clean and when that fails, I'll turn to the dry cleaner?
HalfPint June 27, 2013
Sorry forgot, with the cream of tartar. Let it sit with the paste for about 15 mins, check to see if the stain is lightening. Leave on longer if it needs it.
HalfPint June 27, 2013
I would try cream of tartar. Make a paste with water and rub onto the stain. Then rinse off.

I would also try 70% rubbing alcohol or some acetone. Soak the stain & blot out with towel. Then just leave the linen out to dry so the solvents can evaporate.
fiveandspice June 27, 2013
The boiling water trick didn't work? Oh dear. I don't know much about stain removal at all, but the one thing I have used to effectively remove all sorts of stains that I never thought would come out (including old ones) is Fels Naptha soap. You rub it directly on the stain, let it sit for a while and then wash as you normally would. I don't know why it works miracles, but it does. I haven't tried it with berry stains though, only grease stains. But, if the other suggestions don't work, it could be worth a try.
petitbleu June 26, 2013
We use something called D-Solv-It (at least I think that's how it's spelled). It's supposed to be all-natural, although I have no idea if that means anything. It smells rather violently of citrus oil, but it works amazingly well. Beets, berries, wine, even iodine that spilled all over my clothes in a suitcase.
bigpan June 26, 2013
I recently got butter sauce on my new linen suit. The dry cleaner fixed it better than me experimenting with home remedies that may have set the stain forever. Spend the few dollars on a professional.
hardlikearmour June 26, 2013
I'm with Mrs. Larkin -- soaking in oxiclean works for most organic stains.

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mrslarkin June 26, 2013
I swear by oxyclean. whatchya making? ;)
krusher June 26, 2013
My grandmother always said that a few fruit and vegetable dyes that don't react to white vinegar and sunshine are apple, pear, berries, potato and avocado etc These fruit and vegetables need to be removed by wiping the mark with glycerine and then leaving for 20-30 minutes before wiping with a cloth wrung out tightly in white vinegar.
krusher June 26, 2013
My grandmother always said that a few fruit and vegetable dyes that don't react to white vinegar and sunshine are apple, pear, berries, potato and avocado etc These fruit and vegetables need to be removed by wiping the mark with glycerine and then leaving for 20-30 minutes before wiping with a cloth wrung out tightly in white vinegar.
cookbookchick June 26, 2013
Since it's a light colored fabric, you could try laying the fabric outdoors in bright sunlight. It should bleach out the stains pretty quickly.
Pegeen June 26, 2013 - search on stain removal. Some very good tips.
Droplet June 26, 2013
Lemon juice. Let it sit longer.
boulangere June 26, 2013
Pouring on undiluted hydrogen peroxide may help you as well.
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