What are some good dessert recipes with chocolate and peppermint for Christmas?

  • Posted by: Alexis
  • December 13, 2013


luvcookbooks December 15, 2013
My daughter just told me that Joy the Baker has a recipe for buche de Noel using mint and chocolate up on her site.
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 15, 2013
From Bon Appetit : http://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/holidays-recipes/slideshow/playing-peppermint-tk-minty-recipes-holiday-season#playing-peppermint-tk-minty-recipes-holiday-season/?slide=1&_suid=138715898778208381462836161408
TobiT December 13, 2013
You could make Nanaimo bars and sprinkle crushed candy canes on top.
HalfPint December 13, 2013
Chocolate and peppermint for me is Grasshopper Pie.
QueenSashy December 13, 2013
You could make mendiants (here is an example http://dessertfirstgirl.com/2009/12/mendiants-for-christmas.html) and instead of nuts put crushed candy canes. They are simple to make and very festive.
trampledbygeese December 13, 2013
Hot mint chocolate for the kids, hot mint mocha for the adults. Maybe with a biscotti for a side for texture. A really good hot chocolate can be better than any solid dessert. But if you don't have the time to put into it on the day, best stick with one of those yummy cakes mentioned above.
ZombieCupcake December 13, 2013
http://www.bakersroyale.com/cakes/chocolate-peppermint-bundt-cake/ great if you would like a cake or http://www.bakersroyale.com/candy/peppermint-tuxedo-fudge/ this one if you would like a dessert that is more a finger food
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