What happened to the "pie" experience displays?

I'm sure I missed the memo, but Hotline no longer shows "level of involvement" pies. I liked these, as they gave me an indicator or experience and trustworthiness (not that almost empty pies were untrustworthy - au contraire -- just that I had a better idea of who I was getting info from).



EmFraiche April 10, 2014
Hmm... I now see the pie next to names in the hotline threads. However, I don't seem them next to names in article comments or on my profile page. Weird...
ATG117 April 10, 2014
Also, how about a link from the website directly to an editors email account? As silly as it sounds (because writing an email with your address is so simple), this feature would probably make it far more likely that users would use the email vs hotline.
Lindsay-Jean H. April 10, 2014
Although they've been around for awhile now, we consider the trusted source taglines as part of an MVP pilot program, so there isn't a specific set of criteria in place yet for selecting MVPs. The first round of participants are a small sub-set of our most helpful, knowledgeable, and active community members, that were hand-selected to start the program. As we expand the program, we'll get more specific standards in place -- in the meantime we've been taking note of recommendations, so drop us a line at [email protected] if you have someone in mind for us to consider.
ATG117 April 10, 2014
I don't necessarily find a correlation between the trusted sources and the quality of their recipes or help on hotline. A few yes, but many others, no. I'm still wondering what the idea behind it is.
SKK April 10, 2014
And all my favorite pies are showing up!
SKK April 10, 2014
Pie shows up on my feed.
Pegeen April 9, 2014
Pierino - Oops. My apologies. I didn't read that as the "royal you."
cookbookchick April 9, 2014
(Not to mention who has "voted the best answer"!)
ATG117 April 9, 2014
Voted the best answer is, I'm pretty sure, based on the number of "up votes" an answer received.
cookbookchick April 9, 2014
And I also would like to know how someone becomes a "trusted source."
cookbookchick April 9, 2014
Yes, I also still see the pies on my iPhone app.
TobiT April 9, 2014
I still see the pies! I typically only access Hotline through my iPhone app, but they show up there. So maybe it's an issue only when you access via the Internet?

Voted the Best Reply!

pierino April 8, 2014
Pegeen, I think you misinterpreted my answer. I'm not disrespecting any user. The point I was trying to make (badly) is that the pie icon never get's fully filled in. There's always that last sliver that you can't complete.
Pegeen April 8, 2014
Pierino, shame on you! Do not disrespect people who give freely. I actually don't like pie. Or baking. At all. But I respect everyone on this site.
ATG117 April 8, 2014
I didn't even notice it, which I guess speaks to the value-add (or lack thereof) they brought for some users like me. Truth is, I'm still perplexed by how some users became "trusted sources." It's not as though I mind at all. Quite the opposite. I'd just like to know the criteria to be able to determine what stock I put in it.
Maedl April 8, 2014
Perhaps they are working on the site and the disappearance of the pie icons is only temporary.
Pegeen April 8, 2014
I think you need to have invested in the business to get a full pie. ;-) At least, I think that would be only fair!
pierino April 8, 2014
Pegeen, no matter how long you had worked at it you never did get a complete pie.
EmFraiche April 8, 2014
I'm sad to see them go as well. I enjoyed the challenge of achieving more pie. =)
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