Need recipe suggestions for cookies (and cake?) that travel well.

Sending a care package to a friend in Africa. So cookies/cake will need to keep at room temp for at 4-5 days or a week. Also, any suggestions about packaging so cookies get there in one piece?



Miguelito April 19, 2014
Substituting corn starch for a part of the flour is done to keep the fresh soft texture. I can't remember if it's 1/3 of all the flour taken out and substituted with corn starch but not of equal amounts, about half in VOLUME
petitbleu April 17, 2014
Usually bundt cakes or pound cakes tend to be sturdier and keep really well (they keep even better if doused with rum!). I love making icebox cookies for sending to faraway friends--you can vary the flavors to your heart's content, and they stay delicious for a long time.
needfulthings April 18, 2014
Thank you , all. I think I'll go with biscotti and shortbread . Safer bet than cakes. Though am on the fence about the brownies wondering if they might taste stale by the time they get there on the 4th day. Thank you for all your answers.
HalfPint April 17, 2014
brownies keep really well and can sometimes count as cake.
ZombieCupcake April 17, 2014
Biscotti is good, brittle (brittle is suppose to be broken up anyways), homemade candy also make the long haul.
mickle April 17, 2014
Any cookie that has a good shelf life such as choc . chip, peanut butter, shortbread. For pkg. check with your local UPS store, they have have been helpful to me. Not sure about cake, possibly a dense cake such as a pound cake.
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