what to make from pears???and apples???



anne July 9, 2014
How much have you got?
Emily July 8, 2014
Type it into the recipe search box
And I can't make ice cream and just a salad

Voted the Best Reply!

ATG117 July 7, 2014
Apple sauce, pie, galette, crisp, apple cake, poached, baked, sauteed in butter and used as a topping, sorbet, ice cream...

Why don't you type each one into the recipe search box if you're looking for recipes?
strawberrygirl July 7, 2014
How about a pear and apple crisp?
its really very urgent...
ChefJune July 9, 2014
If you give us some ideas why you're specifically asking about these fruits (which are both out of season in the Northern Hemisphere), or what kind of event you're having, it would be easier for us to make suggestions.
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