So why would I choose ghee over butter? Other than that it has a high heat tolerance.

  • Posted by: Tasha
  • July 29, 2014


Tasha August 6, 2014
Thanks everyone! So ghee would be good for say lobster and crab if melted down?
Susan W. August 6, 2014
Absolutely. Are you going to make it yourself or purchase it?
Sam1148 August 1, 2014
Ghee has a nutty flavor that works great with thing like Seafood.
When a lobster is served with 'drawn butter'...that's ghee.
Same for frying scallops. Use the ghee.

You can also control the 'nutty' flavor of ghee if you make it yourself.
Susan W. August 2, 2014
Actually, ghee is clarified butter taken a step further. The milk solids are browned before being strained out.
George H. July 31, 2014
Most common is to remove the lactose to avoid lactose intolerance. I am sure this is not the culinary intention, more a modern idea.
trampledbygeese July 29, 2014
I find ghee and butter have different tastes, sometimes one is better in a recipe. Also I think that ghee has a much longer shelf life than butter.

I don't cook with ghee near as often as I would like, but I crave it in the summer. Whereas in the winter, my body loves butter better.
Susan W. July 29, 2014
I got into ghee when I did my first Whole 30. You give up dairy, grains, legumes, sugar and processed foods for 30 days and reintroduce them one at a time to see if you have any adverse reactions. Ghee has the dairy removed. I make my own now and love the flavor. It's great to cook with because of the high smoke point and flavor. I don't do canola or other seed oils, so it's a good option for me.
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