Is the garlic meant to be chopped? If so, how small?

Sarah Hamilton


Dawne M. November 26, 2014
According to another adapted version of this Ottolenghi recipe, you process the all of the salsa ingredients in a food processor until the garlic is finely chopped. I would say it's up to your discretion, finely chop the garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients or process it in a food processor.
Nancy November 26, 2014
agree with Dawne, it's your choice. But/and I find that chopping garlic finely on a board with salt gives a lovely paste and great dispersal of flavor in a sauce.
Sarah H. November 26, 2014
You don't happen to have a link to that recipe, do you? Thanks for the help.
Dawne M. November 26, 2014
Hi Sarah, the link I found was here:
bigpan November 26, 2014
Since the directions do no specify any method I would chop small, then smear with the flat of your chefs knife on a bed (pinch) of salt and mix in. Unless of course you love to bite into chunks of raw garlic, then chop accordingly.
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