Hey guys. My hummus turned out a bit to salty for my taste. Any suggestions on how to "save" it? I thought maybe I should add some more lemon

  • Posted by: Marnie
  • November 29, 2014


Everyday K. January 13, 2016
Two things. You can balance it out with tahini, olive oil and water. Add flavor by sprinkling cumin to taste and eating it on baked sweet potato slices. I also love, hummus on crostinis with tomato slices and micro greens. Good luck!
Sarah January 13, 2016
We are not all "guys" don't be sexist. In fact you'd be more accurate to say girls since most people
here are female.
Susan W. January 13, 2016
You are snarkely answering a question that's a year old. In my experience, "guys" has been a non gender specific term for a very long time.
Robin B. September 19, 2019
Jayzus, really? Uh oh....were u triggered???? Do u need a safe space? Grow up. I highly doubt the writer meant it gender specific and your comment that most of us are girls can be considered sexist too, byyour logic. SMH
Mary July 6, 2023
Wow dude, I did not know this crap was going on 7 years ago. I'll pray for you.
Pegeen November 30, 2014
What great ideas... will definitely try the yogurt, soy or artichokes sometime
nutcakes November 30, 2014
It seems you have solved this for now, but another suggestion is to puree in tofu. It blends in remarkably well and makes a fluffy lighter spread that I really like. I like to keep shelf stable tofu in aseptic packs for uses like this. Nothing really removed salt so you have to add volume.
Susan W. November 30, 2014
Nutcakes, as in dried tofu? I buy tofu, then use it, but then the rest just sits. I limit my use of soy, but when I want it, I want it.
ATG117 November 29, 2014
You can add something like roasted peppers or artichoke hearts. Adding lemon zest may cut the saltiness, it depends how salty we're talking. Adding more chickpeas and tahini, as mentioned below, would be ideal.
HalfPint November 29, 2014
Try adding some olive oil. It can dilute the saltiness and not thin out the hummus as much as water. Also cold hummus may not taste as salty because the cold can mute flavor.

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jungli_beleza November 29, 2014
Add another bean or a green instead.... like spinach or edamame. you can also replace the tahini with yogurt (and a bit of sesame oil, if you have it).
Marnie November 30, 2014
I added some yogurt and that really helped. It also gave the hummus a whole new flavor, in a good way! Thanks a million
Pegeen November 29, 2014
I'd try increasing the chickpeas, tahini and add a little water. Then taste for more lemon. I think you just need to increase the volume of your key ingredients, without adding more salt.
Marnie November 29, 2014
You see, the problem is that I'm out of tahini and chickpeas so I'm looking for a quick and easy solution. But thanks anyway
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