If I have no butter, solid shortening or lard; but do have coconut oil, can I use the CO in place of these other fats to make a pie pastry cr

  • Posted by: Adianne
  • September 19, 2015


Adianne September 22, 2015
Jamcook, I would have if I could have.
jamcook September 21, 2015
Why not just go to a store and buy a pound of butter? You would have had it before you got your question answered.
Adianne September 20, 2015
Thanks. I am going to try it using your recommendations for cooling.
PieceOfLayerCake September 19, 2015
If you can keep the coconut oil cool enough to remain solid until it gets in the oven, it should work beautifully. I would take extra care in chilling the dough between steps and especially right before baking. I would freeze the shell if possible before filling and baking or blind baking.
Nancy September 21, 2015
If coconut oil is all you have to use, then I agree with POLC advice.
If you want a vegan fat for pastry, suggest you use - for better texture - coconut butter or mixture of coconut butter and coconut oil (various ratios recommended from 1:1 to 3:1).
PieceOfLayerCake September 19, 2015
If you can keep the coconut oil cool enough to remain solid until it gets in the oven, it should work beautifully. I would take extra care in chilling the dough between steps and especially right before baking. I would freeze the shell if possible before filling and baking or blind baking.
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