Recipe for Choc Pecan Fudge Pie calls for unsweet,chocolate. All I have is Semi-sw choc.Suggestions? Howbout unsweet. cocoa powder?

Claudia Madore


Claudia M. November 25, 2015
Thank you Nancy, for your speedy reply. Have wanted an ans. to this question for a long time. Will save you a piece of pie! Happy Thanksgiving.
Nancy November 25, 2015
Great! Glad to help. Could I have mine a la mode? Or will that mess up the shipping?
Gabi B. November 25, 2015
Agreeing with Nancy! I think it would be easier to use semi-sweet chocolate and cut some of the added sugar in the recipe to taste.
Claudia M. November 25, 2015
Thank you for your immediate reply, Gabi. Now I can make the pie with confidence. Happy Thanksgiving.
Nancy November 25, 2015
You could use the semi sweet choc and reduce sugar in recipe by 1/4 or 1/2. Or use 3 tbsp cocoa ans 1 tbsp fat for every oz of unsweet choc.
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