Does using chain mail really work to clean cast iron skillets?

I recently saw an article about using chain mail scrubbers to clean cast iron skillets. Does it actually work? We use a brush, that gets gross pretty quickly. I would love to find a better solution! Thanks!

  • Posted by: Rachel
  • July 11, 2016


scruz July 12, 2016
only if you hold your computer really close. nah, too risky. go with salt.
Susan W. July 11, 2016
I have the same brush as Trena. I use it exclusively on my Wok and cast iron. It's fabulous.
702551 July 11, 2016
Yes, this used to be a commonplace practice.

Here's the Google image search for "pan scrubber antique":

I use the coarse salt technique myself.
Nancy July 11, 2016
What a question?!
Of course it works, if you put the knight wearing the chain mail to work on the skillets ;)
(sorry - is this too flippant? - couldn't resist)
Susan W. July 11, 2016
Lol. That was perfect.
Niknud July 12, 2016
Hahaha! I had the same picture in my head - a knight in his tunic and clunky boots scrubbing pots and pans.
AntoniaJames July 11, 2016
Coarse salt works like a charm and does not harm the seasoning. ;o)
Rachel July 11, 2016
I've done that too!
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