what causes the macaron shells to crack?

  • Posted by: Jenny
  • September 6, 2016


BerryBaby September 7, 2016
I have found the oven is usually too hot when this happens. Do you have an oven thermometer that you can check the temperature accuracy?
PieceOfLayerCake September 7, 2016
The baking gods.....they, after all, are the only entities that will allow successful macaron in a home kitchen. I find that any trouble with macaron shells will generally have to do with my oven. Check to make sure the temperature is accurate, and if you don't have a convection feature, look for ways to synthesize that aspect. I've heard leaving the door open a crack during baking (kept ajar with an oven safe utensil), will help.

As with macaron, its all about getting the right consistency. I use the Italian meringue method, and I've just learned what to look for.
Nancy September 6, 2016
have you done a web search...there are many ideas (too high oven, too much beating egg whites). have a look and see if your problem (and its solution) is described:
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