What is a decent substitute for Chinese cooking wine? Will Marsala work?



AntoniaJames February 17, 2011
I am so intrigued by the idea of using Scotch!! Definitely going to file that interesting tidbit for use in the near future. ;o)
Stephanie C. September 29, 2019
love the way you think.. any feedback on which worked better?
Sadassa_Ulna February 17, 2011
Thanks everyone, I have scotch & tequila & mirin... so one will work!

Helen's A. February 17, 2011
I always substitute tequilan for Chinese wine.
isabelita February 17, 2011
My chinese cooking teacher always used scotch.
amysarah February 16, 2011
If you mean the darker Chinese cooking wine - Shao hsing - then dry sherry is a very good sub; for white Chinese cooking wine - a dry white (French, Italian, California, whatever.)

Mirin cab be okay too, but it's much sweeter than white Chinese wine, so adjust accordingly.
Sadassa_Ulna February 16, 2011
I'd like to try the wildcard-winning Gong Bao tonight and my liquor cabinet is frighteningly bare. I have some mirin so perhaps I'll try that and reduce the sugar a tad as AntoniaJames points out. Thanks for the input!
cookinginvictoria February 16, 2011
I use a dry sherry (usually manzanilla or amontillado) or in a pinch I have substituted dry white wine.
Queen O. February 16, 2011
I'd like to know a little more about the recipe, but I'd be tempted to try sake, with maybe a tiny bit of mirin.
AntoniaJames February 16, 2011
I use a medium dry sherry. Marsala would likely be too sweet and heavy, at least for my taste. Mirin (Japanese rice wine) is also a great substitute, but be sure to check for sweetness, when using any of these -- or when using the Chinese cooking wine, for that matter -- and add a dash of vinegar to sharpen the sauce, if necessary. ;o)
Robin O. February 16, 2011
A dry sherry will work.
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