breakfast ideas for 10-year-old sleepover

I am hosting a sleepover for my daughter's birthday and she wants me to surprise her and her friends with a special breakfast. Would like several options, since kids this age often vary widely in terms of likes/dislikes? Ideas?

  • Posted by: lcast
  • September 6, 2017


BerryBaby September 17, 2017
Let us know what you served and what the children enjoyed.
Jill H. September 8, 2017
I've hosted several of these both inside & outside in the summer-- I always have bagels w/spreads, small cereal boxes (for kids who won't eat anything else), pitchers of smoothies with fun straws (make gallon bags up in freezer than throw them in blender in the morning w/yogurt & juice-- girls like pink and the noise gets them up!!) Serve smoothies in plastic martini glasses. Then I have one hot item that's easy to do in the morning (baked French toast is a good one or pancakes w/whipped cream& fruit). Then feed them & get them out of your house!!
PHIL September 7, 2017
here is my contribution .....
Valhalla September 7, 2017
If you are doing baked french toast, I see no reason to do any sort of pancake in addition--especially since you also will be making bacon. I'd focus on the topping assortment instead--warm some syrup, some cooked fruit and some raw fruit, maybe some nuts and chocolate.
BerryBaby September 7, 2017
Maybe run suggestions by your daughter. I know from our experience simple is better at this age.
lcast September 7, 2017
My daughter has (uncharacteristically) asked me to surprise her. But I totally agree with you that simple is best. I am thinking of making the recommended baked French toast, assorted (not necessarily nutritious) cereals, bacon, fresh-squeezed OJ and then either a Dutch baby (my husband thinks this won't be appreciated) or pancakes/waffles. Thoughts?
lcast September 7, 2017
I also like the toppings idea -- strawberries, homemade whipped cream, chocolate chips for the pancakes?
BerryBaby September 7, 2017
I agree with your husband. French toast is more than enough with the cereal, bacon, juice. What would be fun are skewers of fruit...banana, oranges, strawberries, or melons.
Kids love anything on a skewer!
Another suggestion, Pigs in a Pancake.... cook turkey or chicken sausages and wrap thin (almost crepe like) around the sausage. Takes the place of bacon and French toast and it's fun!
MMH September 6, 2017
Pancakes in fun shapes are always a big hit and easy. You can make the batter the night before. I always ordered several things because everyone likes a different breakfast. I always served mini bagels with several flavors of cream cheese. I had fresh fruit and scrambled eggs - oh and lots of bacon.
MMH September 6, 2017
Muffin sized mini quiches with different ingredients
Dona September 6, 2017
Breakfast taco bars are big around here. You can set out all the ingredients and let everyone make their own. It's never too early for chips and queso.
MMH September 6, 2017
We like breakfast burritos -
HalfPint September 6, 2017
Baked French toast! Smitten Kitchen has a boozy baked french toast that is incredibly easy and delicious. Just leave out the booze for the girls :)
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 7, 2017
Agree with a French Toast casserole. Food network has lots of variations online. It's easy, make-ahead and very tasty. Very popular with kids. Here's my version:
Nancy September 6, 2017
Introduce them to cold pizza and milk.
Serve Lisanne's Dutch baby, French toast or Belguan waffles with a buffet of toppings and fixings, so each makes to her own taste...syrups, whipped cream or ice cream, fruit, chocolate shavings, etc.
Make a pitcher of good quality cocktails for them to toast the birthday girl.
Nancy September 6, 2017
Auto incorrect.
I wrote "mocktails"
creamtea September 6, 2017
after the parents come to pick them up, make a cocktail-- for yourself.
Nancy September 6, 2017
Good laugh.
Yes, cocktail for the mother/hostess!
MMH September 6, 2017
Cold cheese pizza with red pepper flakes.
BerryBaby September 6, 2017
I remember our daughter at that age and she had sleepovers.
Simple worked the best. A variety of cold cereal, muffins, fruit, juice served as a buffet. Kids loved it as they selected what they wanted to eat.
Valhalla September 6, 2017
You could add a baked oatmeal with fruit and a strata for the egg/savory fans, plus whatever variation of pancakes, and I'd say mission accomplished--with two things you can prepare in advance and just bake in the morning!
creamtea September 6, 2017
The easiest and most impressive is the Dutch Baby (or German) pancake. I have been making a version since my kids were small. is one such. I don't use nutmeg, just vanilla. It is very forgiving and very easy. Mine is a different recipe; 3/4 c milk, 3/4 c flour , 3 eggs, 1 t. or more vanilla (I don't even measure the vanilla, just plop it in) 2-4 T butter, I use a 9 inch Pyrex pan (but many use an iron skillet) and heat the oven to 425-450 degrees F., then melt the butter in it until sizzling while I whisk the batter. Batter will be a little lumpy--thats ok. Sometimes I just let the butter brown for extra flavor. pour batter into the hot pan, it will firm up instantly at the edges, bake about 12-14 minutes until puffy and browned at the edges. You can double the recipe with ease. You could bake it with blueberries (may need a little longer to bake). I serve with lemon wedges and confectioner's sugar. Easy and delicious!
Windischgirl September 7, 2017
I immediately thought of popovers--which are mini-versions of Dutch baby. Have toppings such as powdered sugar, cut up fruit, whipped cream, jams, maple syrup, salsa, shredded cheese, etc. and let each guest customize toppings! Each popover forms its own unique shape, which can be fun. We serve this with eggs and Canadian bacon for protein.
My kids are in their 20’s and still love it when Opa makes his popovers.
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