I just submitted a recipe: Delicious Savory Cabbage Pie I forgot to add an important step. What should I do?

I just submitted a recipe: Delicious Savory Cabbage Pie
I forgot to add an important step.
What should I do?

  • Posted by: Kukla
  • March 10, 2011


mrslarkin March 11, 2011
If it's a recipe you've submitted to a contest, you cannot edit it after the contest closes. In that case, I would add the step in the comments section and email the editors about it as well.
TiggyBee March 10, 2011
Yes, there's an option to edit at the header of your recipe.
Panfusine March 10, 2011
if the step is in the beginning or somewhere in the middle, then you'll have to go thru the tedious process of cut & paste the other steps individually. A group of us were whining about this on Foodpickle earlier today & Peter Steinberg from Food52 is in the process of adding a 'drag up or down- feature to make this process easier.
pierino March 10, 2011
You can still edit it if you open it up again.
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