Staub No Knead Bread

Looking for the recipe that was posted when the Staub Dutch oven was on sale last month. Looked incredible! I bought the oven, now can’t find the recipe . Anybody have it?? Or any good bread recipe for a Dutch oven?? Thank you πŸ™



Calamari January 13, 2019
Thank you PieceOfLayerCake !!
Will let you know how my first bread bake goes !!
Calamari January 16, 2019
Hi Piece of Laer Cake !
The bread was a success !! With garlic and rosemary yumminess πŸ˜‹
Thanks again for your help !
PieceOfLayerCake January 13, 2019
This is the classic that comes to my mind:
Calamari January 13, 2019
Hey ! Thanks for that !! If I wanted to add herbs and garlic to the mix,
when would i add?? (New bread maker here) πŸ™„
PieceOfLayerCake January 13, 2019
You could just add the herbs to the dough as it mixes, the flavors should be fine sitting out for a while as long as they're finely chopped, but there's a step where you fold the dough before you put it on the can make a flavorful herb-garlic oil and spread it on during the folds. That'll give you veins of good flavor throughout the loaf. Again, just make sure everything is finely chopped (I like to grate my garlic on a microplane).
Cat50 January 13, 2019
J January 17, 2019
Would this work in a Romertopf? Thx.
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