I made a Far Breton for the third time yesterday. This time the custard separated. A small layer on top is very soft, while the rest is dense

and tough. both parts are smooth though, not curdled, no layer of flour. Any idea what happened? The only thing I did differently was to bake it at a lower temperature because I used a glass pan. The temp seemed to be correct, however, because it baked in the given amount of time. Thanks for any help.



boulangere October 12, 2019
A Far Breton is a relative of a Clafoutis. Both are sort of neither fish nor fowl creations - elements of a custard along with those of a cake, but not completely either. They can be tricky to get done as a result. The first time I ever made a clafoutis, the English language lacks a word to adequately describe how dense it was. I was afraid of undertaking it to the point of overdoing it. I'm going to guess that because you baked it at a lower temperature, the top did not adequately set, while the bottom layer (there shouldn't be a flour layer) overset because of the glass pan. What I would suggest is baking it at the prescribed temperature, but for less time. A Far Breton can take up to an hour to bake, so begin checking it at 45 minutes. If you bump the edge of the pan, the center should just jiggle. It's all a science experiment, you know?
Foodwriter97426 October 13, 2019
Thanks for your answer. I think you missed where I said I baked it at a lower temperature. I did check at 45 minutes and not quite set, gave it 5 minutes more. I'm pretty sure it had already separated by then. Maybe baking in a waterbath??
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