Dorie Greenspan’s giant chocolate chip cookie

I am searching for that video and recipe. It was a nice cookie to share with a few friends.

Michelle Tollefson


Hannah December 17, 2019
I believe this one is listed in the Food52 21 cookies article!
Nancy December 17, 2019
Hannah - yes, thanks for that. This one just says serve it whole for guests to break apart, or cut it in pieces before serving. Her other version, the one that recommends cutting them in bars, has raisins or something else in addition to the cutting it in bars, it's like but not quite a biscotto. Although, if you wanted, you could also bake the cut-up bars a few minutes for extra crust & flavor.
Nancy December 16, 2019
Greenspan's skillet cookie recipe is out there (which she cuts and names as bar cookies).
As are several videos from others about how to make one.
But I don't see her recipe as a video.
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