A question about a recipe: Feta Frozen Yogurt with Blood Orange and Mint Granita!

I have a question about step 4 on the recipe "Feta Frozen Yogurt with Blood Orange and Mint Granita!" from Helenthenanny. It says:

"Cut the blood oranges in half, run a knife around the inside rim, and gut them with a spoon. Put the guts into a bowl. Don't worry if a bit of rind goes in, we just want as much pulp and juice as possible. " ... Should I concern myself with the casing around the juicy bits of fruit or does that go in as well...

  • Posted by: chasey
  • March 30, 2011


chasey March 31, 2011
Thanks so much!
Helenthenanny March 30, 2011
Yes, Merrill is right. I chose to "gut" the oranges in this manner in order to get as much of the juice in the bowl as possible. The blood orange and mint go through a strainer, so you don't have to worry about the membrane, but I would avoid as much of the pith as possible so that bitterness does not get imparted into the dish. Thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy!
Merrill S. March 30, 2011
If you mean the membrane, that goes in too!
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