Any suggestions for appetizers before serving Beef Pho?

Cheri in MI


MMH February 2, 2020
Some appetizers found in a Viet Namese restaurant- spring rolls or steamed dumplings. Don’t be afraid to cheat. We did this once and purchased spring rolls from a Viet Namese restaurant. Asian markets have a wonderful selection of frozen dumplings.
Nancy February 2, 2020
It sounds like you want to structure a home dinner (first course, main, dessert) around beef pho.
Maybe use some of the ideas in this thread for a similar main beef dish - champagne, gougere, oysters, pate, etc.
Of make a simpler meal, just the beef pho and dessert.
But make a beautiful large buffet of garnishes for the pho, so your guests can customize their bowls.
And include either the recommended bubbly or rose, both as a welcoming drink and with the pho.

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