What are your favorite baking books?

We're drumming up a list of our favorite baking cookbooks (bakebooks?!) and want to know: What are your go-tos? And why? Looking forward to hearing from you!

Emma Laperruque


HalfPint February 27, 2020
Oldie-but-goodie: The Italian Baker by Carol Field and The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum

More recent favorites: Modern Jewish Baker by Shannon Sarna, BraveTart by Stella Parks

Any baking book by Dorie Greenspan and David Leibovitz.
Wendy February 26, 2020
I have many baking cookbooks, but find myself using “In The Sweet Kitchen” by Regan Daley frequently.
Charlie S. February 25, 2020
I often recommend French Patisserie by Ferrandi (the school).
BakerBren February 25, 2020
Jeffrey Hamelman's "Bread"
It is informative, well-written, and has all my favorite bread formulas in it. I wish all my text books had been written at least half as well. It reset my career course from engineering to baking.

Martin Philip's "Breaking Bread"
This is also excellent and has a particularly well written narrative. There are unique formulas inside and it is a beautiful book.
Happygoin February 25, 2020
How To Bake, by Nick Malgeiri. Has everything I need to know. It's the only baking book that stays permanently in my kitchen. I do love Rose Levy Berenbaum's Cake Bible too.
Nancy February 25, 2020
Beard on bread,l & bernard clayton complete book of bread
• american recipes, regional, variety
Elizabeth david, English bread and yeast cookery.
• historical and current british bread
Maggie Glazer (forget title)
• Jewish baking
Rise levy beranbaum, cake bible
• great teaching book, elements and assembled cakes,. For her range - basics through layer cakes and wedding cakes. She combines the virtues of a scientist with the artistry of someone who satisfies our visual and sensory tastes
Julia child, mastering volume 2.
• she teaches us h2 make baguette and croissant at home. Maybe brioche too, if memory serves.
I'll stop the- these are the top for me. (I know a little African and Asian baking, but not enough to recommend books).
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