I kneaded my dough without yeast!

I'm making bagels, and I kneaded up the flour and water for 10 minutes without putting the yeast in. Do you think I can just sprinkle it in now, or should I put it in a little water for a few minutes first? I'ts regular dried yeast, not instant.



Nora April 6, 2011
It's too late to add anything useful, so I'm just offering solidarity. I've done it. More than once. Managed to blame my husband once, but I've had to own the rest.
nutcakes April 5, 2011
I hydrated the yeast in some water and added the dough in blobs while the stand mixer was funning. Came out fine. But this batch isn't as chewy as my first batch. I used King Arthur Bread flour, but last time I used the high gluten Sir Lancelot product.

I have made yeated breads very successfully in the food processor. The best was Frannies Fast and Fabulous buttermilk bread from the Dairy Hollow book. Also focaccia breads. It works!
boulangere April 5, 2011
You are WAY too cute, sarah k! Keep baking!
sarah K. April 5, 2011
Ah! I hereby withdraw my answer. I am definitely not an expert, and wasn't even paying close attention. I've made bagels exactly once in my life, more than 15 years ago, and my knowledge of bread making has heretofore been limited to sandwich bread and rustic, crusty breads. Yikes. I've done the chopping up bit with whole wheat sandwich bread, and not had any problems, but not bagels. As for the salt, again, oops. I probably would have added at least a tiny pinch, but on further reflection, I'm pretty sure I oversalt everything. The one time I made 20 loaves of bread for a group of 200 and managed to forget the salt has forever instilled in me the necessity of salt (boy is unsalted bread yucky!), so I overcompensate.

Sorry! *zipping it*
boulangere April 5, 2011
If I might politely disagree with sarah k., chopping up dough, bagel dough especially, and breaking it up further in a food processor is about the last thing you want to do. That will chop your gluten strands to pieces. Picture a rubber band cut into little tiny pieces. They're useless in terms of their original design. Bagels want to be dense and chewy, and that is only obtained by long, slow kneading and using a good high protein flour.

As for extra salt to compensate for extra flour, salt and flour have no relationship in yeasted doughs. Salt is present in yeasted doughs to ration water available to yeast for fermentation. Salt competes more successfully at the cellular level for water than does yeast. Salt prevents yeast from going into a "China syndrome" of unchecked reproduction via all the water it can get its, so to speak, hands on. The moral of the story is: don't add any more salt.
sarah K. April 5, 2011
Amen to both of the above. When I've done that, I've been so frustrated that the thought of kneading it all over again is just too much, so I cut it up into 1 or 2 inch cubes, throw them into the food processor with the dough blade, and add the activated yeasty water, or soft dough. It seems to come together pretty quickly. Don't forget to add a little more salt, to compensate for the extra flour.
boulangere April 5, 2011
Welcome to the club! I wish I could say I've only done that once. Here's what you can do. Activate your yeast in a cup or so of water. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Add that dough to your other non-yeasted dough, and carry on. You'll be fine. Trust me!
AntoniaJames April 5, 2011
It needs water, so what I'd do is to flatten out the dough into a rectangle, sprinkle about a tablespoon at most in the center area, then sprinkle on the yeast. Then fold the dough over to allow the yeast to soften in the damp dough. Let it sit for a few minutes, then knead for another five or six minutes, rather vigorously. You'll probably need a bit more flour to counteract the additional liquid, but be careful not to add too much. I can't guarantee that it will work, but that's what I'd do. Good luck, and please, let us know what happens. ;o)
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