Can we use dried thyme and rosemary instead?

If so, how much?

  • Posted by: Melissa
  • November 13, 2020


AntoniaJames August 30, 2021
Yes, you certainly can use dried thyme and rosemary in this recipe. For many generations in most parts of the country, that's all that was available in November. When I use dried herbs, especially in a dish like this, I take use a technique I learned a few years ago from a Diana Kennedy recipe (albondigas, from her "Essential Cuisines" book). I drop the dried herbs into a mortar and pestle with a tiny pinch of salt, and crush them well before adding them. You'd be surprised how much fragrance remains in dried herbs, which is released when the herbs are crushed. If you don't have a mortar and pestle, simply crush them well with your fingers or between the palms of your hands. ;o)
Lori T. November 13, 2020
I generally find that you can substitute about 1 teaspoon of dried herbs for every tablespoon of fresh. There are a few exceptions, like ginger- which is stronger in the dried form. When I'm using dried herbs, I also will add those to the oil or fat used in the dish, to help bloom the spice more. In this recipe, you could add those to the butter or the sauteed onions, which would help bloom and even distribute the flavor. Of course, you want to taste your stuffing and adjust to suit yourself in the end. You also want to be sure you have fresh spices, even if they are dried- because old dry spices lose potency over time. First way to check yours is with your nose when you open the container. If it doesn't smell, it isn't going to taste either.
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