Trying to find a recipe most likely from the 50's. dried fruit/not candied and nuts

mom made "Christmas candy" by grinding dried fruit/nuts, no flour,spices, oils, no sugar, no citrus, no eggs. Apricots, dates, coconut, pecans for sure. Maybe prunes or walnuts. The ratio matters as it turned out dark brown with flecks of white from the nuts/coconut. She'd press into pan and cut into small bite size squares. I want to make this for Christmas but haven't been successful w/my ratio.

  • Posted by: Janice
  • December 11, 2020


Janice December 12, 2020
Thank you very much for both comments. I will search by decade per Nancy's suggestion and the ratio's by Lori T sound reasonably close to what she did. She didn't use figs that I recall. Almost 20 years ago, she wrote this recipe out for me and I have lost it or put it in a "really safe" hiding place.
Nancy December 12, 2020
There are websites of recipes by decade. Maybe one for the 50s will have your candy.
Lori T. December 12, 2020
My grandmother made something that sounds similar. It calls for one pound each of raisins, dates, figs, apricots, coconut, and "nuts", which was usually either walnuts or pecans. Everything got ground up in the old hand-cranked meat grinder, smooshed together with a splash of vanilla and moistened with water or juice if needed. However, it would be rolled into logs and chilled before slicing. I suppose it could be pressed into a pan and then cut into squares. We just called it dried fruit roll. Is this what you are thinking of?
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