Flour measurement question, the recipe reads 1.5 cups flour at 160 grams, is this correct?

  • Posted by: Tiffany
  • December 24, 2020


slowburn84 December 25, 2020
If I'm not mistaken a cup of flour can vary depending on where you live and what kind of flour you're using.

I know you probably already moved on, but the best thing to do for next time is look on the packaging of the flour as it should state somewhere how much a serving is and how much it weighs.
Lori T. December 24, 2020
Well, it depends on whose measurements you like and how you scoop flour to measure it. I generally convert regular flour at 120 gm per cup, which would mean I'd be using 180 gm for this recipe. However- I pulled my own copy for this recipe, which I got from the site Chicano Eats. It is an exact copy of this recipe, EXCEPT for the flour measurement. Mine calls for 1 1/3 cup of flour, or 160 grams - so that's what I'd recommend using. It might not sound like much of a difference, but it can be the difference between a flan with cake and a nice gooey cake.
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